Come, let us sing praise to the Lord!
Psalm 95:1
Music is an integral part of the heritage of Statesboro First. We welcome and encourage everyone to join the music ministry of Statesboro First. In addition to Chancel Choir, Kid's JAM Children's Choir, Chancel Ringers Handbell Choir, Contemporary Worship Bands, and Student Worship Band, we also offer various other opportunities to participate in the music ministry at Statesboro First including instrumental solo and ensemble opportunities, and vocal solo and ensemble opportunities.

Chancel Choir

The 11:00AM Traditional service is where the Chancel Choir sings a wide variety of traditional and recently-composed choral music.
There is no audition required to join the Chancel Choir— everyone is invited to sing! Contact Jackson Borges at 912-764-1878 or by email if you would like more information about involvement in Chancel Choir at Statesboro First.
In addition to singing at the 11:00AM Traditional service, the choir presents two programs annually, one in December and one during Holy Week. The Chancel Choir has for the last few years collaborated with the choirs of Georgia Southern University to present the annual Statesboro Community Christmas Celebration, which is held at First Methodist. Also, the choir sings periodically for the 9:01 worship service. In 2014, members of the choir traveled to Carnegie Hall in New York City to participate in a concert of Beethoven's Mass in C.
There is no audition required to join the Chancel Choir— everyone is invited to sing! Contact Jackson Borges at 912-764-1878 or by email if you would like more information about involvement in Chancel Choir at Statesboro First.
In addition to singing at the 11:00AM Traditional service, the choir presents two programs annually, one in December and one during Holy Week. The Chancel Choir has for the last few years collaborated with the choirs of Georgia Southern University to present the annual Statesboro Community Christmas Celebration, which is held at First Methodist. Also, the choir sings periodically for the 9:01 worship service. In 2014, members of the choir traveled to Carnegie Hall in New York City to participate in a concert of Beethoven's Mass in C.
Rehearsals are held most weeks during the year, with occasional breaks.
The normal rehearsal schedule:
The normal rehearsal schedule:
- September-May: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30PM
- June-August: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00PM
Chancel Ringers
The Chancel Ringers rehearse on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:30PM during the school year. Statesboro First United Methodist Church is fortunate to own five octaves of handbells (Schulmerich) and four octaves of choir chimes. Under the direction of Lee Walker, this group enjoys intermediate to advanced level music. If you are interested in joining this group contact Lee Walker or Jackson Borges. Some music-reading skills are helpful.

About our Organ
The pipe organ of the Statesboro First United Methodist Church was originally installed in 1960 by the Casavant Organ Company as their Opus 2587. It was a three-manual instrument containing 33 ranks and was set in the side of the chancel. After serving the church for decades, it was determined in 1992 that repairs were necessary and there was a desire to enlarge the instrument.
Dr. Adam Con, then a member of the music faculty of Georgia Southern University, worked with organist Martha Woodbery Wells and Interim Director of Music Lee Walker in the selection of the Cornel Zimmer Organ Company. Cornel advised them of necessary repairs and guided them in the selection of additional stops that would complete the specification and allow the organ to perform a wider variety of literature. Significant advances in digital technology, combined with the fact that there was no additional available space in the chambers for acoustic pipes, led the team to agree that the additional stops would be provided by the Walker Technology Company.
The console and pipes were removed for cleaning and repair, and Zimmer and Co. completed plans and preparations for the installation of pipes and digital components. A long-planned-for Antiphonal Division was installed and Zimmer Tonal Director Jim Twyne completed the final voicing and tuning.
In 2009, another revision to the organ was accomplished through the extreme generosity of James and Sue Hodges, both ardent supporters of music at First Methodist Church. As a result of the outstanding work of the Zimmer Organ Company with the first renovation, organist Pierce Dickens chose to utilize the firm for the second renovation. At this time, another manual division (the Solo) was added and the other divisions were also enhanced with additional stops to further improve the specification of the organ. A new four-manual console, installed on a moveable platform, was built to control all of the resources now available. The organ leads the choirs and congregation of the Statesboro First United Methodist Church weekly in singing praises to God. Soli Deo Gloria
Dr. Adam Con, then a member of the music faculty of Georgia Southern University, worked with organist Martha Woodbery Wells and Interim Director of Music Lee Walker in the selection of the Cornel Zimmer Organ Company. Cornel advised them of necessary repairs and guided them in the selection of additional stops that would complete the specification and allow the organ to perform a wider variety of literature. Significant advances in digital technology, combined with the fact that there was no additional available space in the chambers for acoustic pipes, led the team to agree that the additional stops would be provided by the Walker Technology Company.
The console and pipes were removed for cleaning and repair, and Zimmer and Co. completed plans and preparations for the installation of pipes and digital components. A long-planned-for Antiphonal Division was installed and Zimmer Tonal Director Jim Twyne completed the final voicing and tuning.
In 2009, another revision to the organ was accomplished through the extreme generosity of James and Sue Hodges, both ardent supporters of music at First Methodist Church. As a result of the outstanding work of the Zimmer Organ Company with the first renovation, organist Pierce Dickens chose to utilize the firm for the second renovation. At this time, another manual division (the Solo) was added and the other divisions were also enhanced with additional stops to further improve the specification of the organ. A new four-manual console, installed on a moveable platform, was built to control all of the resources now available. The organ leads the choirs and congregation of the Statesboro First United Methodist Church weekly in singing praises to God. Soli Deo Gloria

Organ Specification
GREAT - Manual II - Unenclosed
1. Violone 16'
2. Principal 8'
3. Flute 8'
4. Gemshorn 8'
5. Octave 4'
6. Hohlflute 4'
7. Quint 2 2/3'
8. Super Octave 2'
9. Nasat 1 1/3'
10. Mixture IV 1 1/3'
11. Trompete 8'
12. Trompette en Chamade 8' - non-coupling
13. Tuba (Choir) 8' - non-coupling
14. Chimes
15. Great to Great 16'
16. Great Unison Off
17. Great to Great 4'
1. Violone 16'
2. Principal 8'
3. Flute 8'
4. Gemshorn 8'
5. Octave 4'
6. Hohlflute 4'
7. Quint 2 2/3'
8. Super Octave 2'
9. Nasat 1 1/3'
10. Mixture IV 1 1/3'
11. Trompete 8'
12. Trompette en Chamade 8' - non-coupling
13. Tuba (Choir) 8' - non-coupling
14. Chimes
15. Great to Great 16'
16. Great Unison Off
17. Great to Great 4'
SWELL - Manual III - Expressive
1. Gedeckt 16'
2. Geigen Principal 8'
3. Stopped Diapason 8'
4. Viola da Gambe 8'
5. Voix Celeste 8'
6. Flute Celeste II 8'
7. Spitz Principal 4'
8. Gemshorn 4'
9. Flauto 4'
10. Doublette 2'
11. Plein Jeu III 2'
12. Basson 16'
13. Trumpet 8'
14. Oboe 8'
15. Vox Humana 8'
16. Oboe Clarion 4'
17. Tremulant
18. Swell to Swell 16'
19. Swell Unison Off
20. Swell to Swell 4'
1. Gedeckt 16'
2. Geigen Principal 8'
3. Stopped Diapason 8'
4. Viola da Gambe 8'
5. Voix Celeste 8'
6. Flute Celeste II 8'
7. Spitz Principal 4'
8. Gemshorn 4'
9. Flauto 4'
10. Doublette 2'
11. Plein Jeu III 2'
12. Basson 16'
13. Trumpet 8'
14. Oboe 8'
15. Vox Humana 8'
16. Oboe Clarion 4'
17. Tremulant
18. Swell to Swell 16'
19. Swell Unison Off
20. Swell to Swell 4'
CHOIR - Manual I - Expressive
1. English Diapason 8'
2. Chimney Flute 8'
3. Melodia 8'
4. Viola 8'
5. Dulciana 8'
6. Unda Maris 8'
7. Principal 4'
8. Lieblich Flöte 4'
9. Nazard 2 2/3'
10. Piccolo 2'
11. Terz 1 3/5'
12. Octave 1'
13. Cymbal III 1'
14. Trompette en chamade 8' - non-coupling
15. Tuba 8' - non-coupling
16. Clarinet 8'
17. Harp
18. Tremulant
19. Choir to Choir 16'
20. Choir Unison Off
21. Choir to Choir 4'
1. English Diapason 8'
2. Chimney Flute 8'
3. Melodia 8'
4. Viola 8'
5. Dulciana 8'
6. Unda Maris 8'
7. Principal 4'
8. Lieblich Flöte 4'
9. Nazard 2 2/3'
10. Piccolo 2'
11. Terz 1 3/5'
12. Octave 1'
13. Cymbal III 1'
14. Trompette en chamade 8' - non-coupling
15. Tuba 8' - non-coupling
16. Clarinet 8'
17. Harp
18. Tremulant
19. Choir to Choir 16'
20. Choir Unison Off
21. Choir to Choir 4'
SOLO - Manual IV - Expressive 1. Grand Gamba 16' 2. Diapason 8' 3. Harmonic Flute 8' 4. Gamba 8' 5. Gamba Celeste 8' 6. Octave 4' 7. Orchestral Flute 4' 8. Cornet IV 4' 9. Grand Jeu VII 1 1/3' 10. Bombarde 16' 11. Trompette 8' 12. Clairon 4' 13. Cromorne 8' 14. French Horn 8' 15. Trompette en chamade 8' - non-coupling 16. Tremulant 17. Solo to Solo 16' 18. Solo Unison Off 19. Solo to Solo 4' |
GALLERY - Floating - Expressive w/Solo
1. Open Diapason 8'
2. Bourdon 8'
3. Voix Angelique II 8'
4. Octave 4'
5. Fifteenth 2'
6. Mixture IV 1 1/3'
7. Flugel Horn 8'
8. Pedal Bourdon 16'
1. Open Diapason 8'
2. Bourdon 8'
3. Voix Angelique II 8'
4. Octave 4'
5. Fifteenth 2'
6. Mixture IV 1 1/3'
7. Flugel Horn 8'
8. Pedal Bourdon 16'
PEDAL - Unenclosed
1. Contra Bourdon 32'
2. Contra Bass 16'
3. Violone (Great) 16'
4. Bourdon 16'
5. Gedeckt (Swell) 16'
6. Octave 8'
7. Violone (Great) 8'
8. Stopped Flute 8'
9. Choral Bass 4'
10. Cantus Flute 4'
11. Nachthorn 4'
12. Mixture IV 2 2/3'
13. Bombarde 32'
14. Posaune 16'
15. Basson (Swell) 16'
16. Trompete 8'
17. Tuba (Choir) 8'
18. Oboe (Swell) 8'
19. Klarine 4'
20. Chimes
1. Contra Bourdon 32'
2. Contra Bass 16'
3. Violone (Great) 16'
4. Bourdon 16'
5. Gedeckt (Swell) 16'
6. Octave 8'
7. Violone (Great) 8'
8. Stopped Flute 8'
9. Choral Bass 4'
10. Cantus Flute 4'
11. Nachthorn 4'
12. Mixture IV 2 2/3'
13. Bombarde 32'
14. Posaune 16'
15. Basson (Swell) 16'
16. Trompete 8'
17. Tuba (Choir) 8'
18. Oboe (Swell) 8'
19. Klarine 4'
20. Chimes