Train up a child in the way they should go;
and when they are old, they will not depart from it.
Proverbs 2:6

Ann Haskins
Director of Preschool and Childcare Ministries
Director of Preschool and Childcare Ministries
We Love our Preschoolers!
The Preschool at Statesboro First seeks to meet the needs of children 6 weeks to 5 years of age in the church and the community by offering early childhood education in a warm Christian environment. Activities are offered in an accepting atmosphere that enables children to grow mentally, socially, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Curriculum is designed to prepare each child to enter kindergarten at a level of competence, confidence, and stability.

Preschool Fundamentals
Our Mission
We at Statesboro First United Methodist Preschool and Child Care Ministry seek forth most to glorify the Lord and make God known. We want each child who attends our program to know that God loves them. By nurturing children daily in this manner, we pray that we can teach them spiritual morals and values, and that these truths will allow them to develop strong characteristics in a happy and secure environment.
Our Vision
Our vision is to have the children and families who enter the doors of First United Methodist Church Preschool sense the love of God as we build connecting relationships with them.
Our Spiritual Approach
God has given parents and teachers the awesome responsibility of nurturing the children God has placed in our care. In faith, we believe that when we plant the seeds of God's Word, the child develops in the wisdom and knowledge of God's ways.
Our Staff
Our teachers have an incredible love and passion for learning and growing. They share a daily Bible lesson with songs, stories and Scripture verses. Teachers also use their time to present life application lessons that connect to children's lives in a meaningful, age-appropriate way. In all of our curriculum, we pray that God will be perceived as our creator and in control of our lives and universe.
Schedule and Classes
We Offer Part Day and Full Day Care
Early Bird Hours: 7:30AM - 9:00AM
Preschool Hours: 9:00AM - 12:00N
Lunch Bunch Hours: 12:00N - 6:00PM
Preschool Hours: 9:00AM - 12:00N
Lunch Bunch Hours: 12:00N - 6:00PM
Part Day Care
7:30AM - 12:00N
9:00AM - 12:00N
9:00AM - 12:00N
Full Day Care
7:30AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 6:00PM
9:00AM - 6:00PM
Our Preschool Classes
Infants (6 Weeks - 12 Months)
Full Day Only (M-F)
12 - 24 Months
Part Day and Full Day (M-F)
2 Year Olds
Part Day and Full Day (M-F)
3 Year Olds
Part Day and Full Day (M-F)
4 & 5 Year Olds
Part Day and Full Day (M-F)
Registration Information
Entrance Requirements:
The Georgia public school age requirement of September 1 is observed in placement. The child must be the age of the class he/she wishes to attend before this date. For example: a child wishing to attend the two year old class must be two by September 1. Current immunization records must be received at registration, with the child's date of birth, in order for your child to enroll, along with fee requirements (see application). All immunization records must show an expiration date and next immunization due date. The Center shall not accept a child for enrollment without enrollment records having been completed on the child in accordance with the requirements set forth in Rule 290-2-2.10. Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 49-5-8, 49-5-12.
The Georgia public school age requirement of September 1 is observed in placement. The child must be the age of the class he/she wishes to attend before this date. For example: a child wishing to attend the two year old class must be two by September 1. Current immunization records must be received at registration, with the child's date of birth, in order for your child to enroll, along with fee requirements (see application). All immunization records must show an expiration date and next immunization due date. The Center shall not accept a child for enrollment without enrollment records having been completed on the child in accordance with the requirements set forth in Rule 290-2-2.10. Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 49-5-8, 49-5-12.
Preschool registration for 2024-2025 and Summer Care is now closed.