Updates on General Conference 2024

Debriefing on General Conference

Hear a first-hand account from our South Georgia Lay Delegate, John Ray, on the happenings of General Conference held in Charlotte, NC, as well as insights from our incoming pastor, Rev. Mark Burgess.

The handout referred to by John Ray can be found here: https://www.resourceumc.org/-/media/umc-media/2024/05/04/14/25/general-cnference-legislative-recap-final.pdf

Daily General Conference Updates

South Georgia Conference Updates

UMC News Updates

More Information on General Conference

General Conference 2024 will be on April 23 – May 3, 2024 in Charlotte, North Carolina.

More information on the United Methodist Church's General Conference may be found on the South Georgia UMC's website:

How does General Conference work?
You can learn more about church structure, delegates, and general conference procedures on the South Georgia UMC website: https://www.sgaumc.org/gc-infographic

Daily Prayers
As General Conference approaches and occurs, we can be praying daily for our leaders, delegates, officials, and church as a whole during this time. The South Georgia UMC has started an initiative entitled "Hear Our Prayers," featuring a written prayer every day through the end of General Conference. It can be found here: https://www.sgaumc.org/hearourprayers