Our mission is to


empowering people to live Christ-centered lives.

Service is a part of worship, and we have several opportunities for you to get involved in our community!

Backpack Buddies

Our Backpack Buddies program sponsors Sallie Zetterower Elementary School to provide over 70 lunch bags of weekend food each week for at-risk students.

Volunteering Opportunities
Each week we pack bags of non-perishable foods in the Annex House at Statesboro First UMC. We can always use extra hands! Please contact Cara Ressler if you are interested in helping pack or deliver food.
Food Donation
We have partnered with Second Harvest Food Bank to supply the majority of our food, but due to supply issues, many items are often lacking. Below is a link to our Amazon Gift List, which allows you to purchase food in bulk and have it sent to the church for us to use. Thank you for your continued support of this amazing outreach ministry.

Wheelchair Ramp Ministry

His Boro Wheelchair Ramp Builders is a ministry of Statesboro First United Methodist Church.

We have built over 20 ramps for the disabled of our area over the past five years. We request to be reimbursed for the cost of materials, but no
one is refused because of an inability to cover that cost. All labor is provided at no charge, and is a mission that is a blessing to all involved.

Bill Thompson is the primary driving force behind this organization, with the help of several other hard workers.
We use an application process to determine the level of need.

Our Mission: To assist those in the Statesboro area who need, but cannot afford, a wheelchair ramp for a family member.  His ‘Boro Wheelchair Ramp Builders provides labor to construct the ramp at no charge to the patient or family.  In addition, we secure lumber at a discount from a local vendor.  The patient/family is responsible for the cost of the materials.  If the family cannot afford the materials, we work with the family to help secure funds for the ramp.

Typical "before and after" pictures

All work is done to the standards of the ADA

This is just the beginning. There is so much need and we are truly blessed to be able to help.

If you are interested in volunteering to help build a wheelchair ramp, or would like to donate to the building of one,
please call the church office at 912-764-7589 and request contact with Bill Thompson.