Join us for Children's Activities, Student Ministry Small Groups, Choir, and Adult Bible Study at our Wednesday Night Suppers.
The schedule is simple:
5:30 PM - Supper begins
6:15 PM - Adult Bible Study, Student, & Children's Ministries begin
7:00 PM - Groups wrap up
6:15 PM - Adult Bible Study, Student, & Children's Ministries begin
7:00 PM - Groups wrap up
Meals $8 for adults $4 for Children
Our menu is catered weekly. We also offer a pizza option every week.
The cost of dining is the same:
$8 for adults
$4 for children 12 and under
$24 maximum for families
We accept cash, checks, or cards at the rear door of the church.
The cost of dining is the same:
$8 for adults
$4 for children 12 and under
$24 maximum for families
We accept cash, checks, or cards at the rear door of the church.
RSVP is required so we have enough food for everyone!
Wednesday Night ACTIVITIES
Children's Ministry
All children will meet Mrs. Haley outside of the Fellowship Hall doors at 6:15pm.
Kid's Choir is begins at 6:20pm.
After choir, we'll have a Bible lesson, activities, crafts, games and outside time.
At 7pm, children will be picked up from either the playground or in room 306.
Adult Bible Study
Adults of all ages are invited to join together in the Fellowship Hall for a study of Scripture.
Adult Choir Practice
Interested in singing in the choir on Sunday mornings!
Join us for Choir Practice in the Music Suite on the 2nd floor
at 7:00 PM each Wednesday Night! No experience needed.
Contact Jackson Borges for more information.
All children will meet Mrs. Haley outside of the Fellowship Hall doors at 6:15pm.
Kid's Choir is begins at 6:20pm.
After choir, we'll have a Bible lesson, activities, crafts, games and outside time.
At 7pm, children will be picked up from either the playground or in room 306.
Adult Bible Study
Adults of all ages are invited to join together in the Fellowship Hall for a study of Scripture.
Adult Choir Practice
Interested in singing in the choir on Sunday mornings!
Join us for Choir Practice in the Music Suite on the 2nd floor
at 7:00 PM each Wednesday Night! No experience needed.
Contact Jackson Borges for more information.